2004 Balance de un año


Las películas con mayor recaudación de todos los tiempos

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All Time Worldwide Top 20
  Released Film Name Total Box Office
1 1997 Titanic $1,835,400,000
2 2003 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $1,117,602,779
3 2001 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone $975,800,000
4 1999 Star Wars: Phantom Menace $925,600,000
5 2002 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers $924,291,552
6 1993 Jurassic Park $920,100,000
7 2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets $869,400,000
8 2001 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring $867,683,093
9 2003 Finding Nemo $844,400,000
10 2004 Shrek 2 $840,581,107
11 2002 Spider-Man $821,700,000
12 1996 Independence Day $813,200,000
13 1977 Star Wars $797,900,000
14 2004 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban $789,509,413
15 2004 Spider-Man 2 $777,124,485
16 1982 ET: The Extra-Terrestrial $775,913,554
17 1994 Lion King, The $767,900,000
18 2003 Matrix Reloaded, The $727,400,000
19 1994 Forrest Gump $679,400,000
20 1999 Sixth Sense, The $672,800,000
En los Estados Unidos
  Released Film Name Total Box Office
1 1997 Titanic $600,788,188
2 1977 Star Wars $460,998,007
3 2004 Shrek 2 $436,471,036
4 1982 ET: The Extra-Terrestrial $435,110,554
5 1999 Star Wars: Phantom Menace $431,088,297
6 2002 Spider-Man $403,706,375
7 2003 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $377,027,325
8 2004 Spider-Man 2 $373,524,485
9 2004 Passion of the Christ, The $370,270,943
10 1993 Jurassic Park $357,067,947
11 2002 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers $341,784,377
12 2003 Finding Nemo $339,714,367
13 1994 Forrest Gump $329,693,974
14 2001 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone $317,557,891
15 2001 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring $313,837,577
16 1994 Lion King, The $312,855,561
17 1983 Return of the Jedi $309,205,079
18 1996 Independence Day $306,169,255
19 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean $305,411,224
20 2002 Star Wars: Attack of the Clones $302,181,125
Recaudación EEUU con inflación ajustada desde 1977
  Released Film Name Total Box Office
1 1977 Star Wars $981,848,794
2 1982 ET: The Extra-Terrestrial $810,536,150
3 1997 Titanic $774,918,846
4 1980 Empire Strikes Back, The $573,323,886
5 1983 Return of the Jedi $560,754,164
6 1993 Jurassic Park $520,510,975
7 1999 Star Wars: Phantom Menace $513,680,697
8 1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark $499,695,626
9 1994 Forrest Gump $484,410,034
10 1994 Lion King, The $461,235,194
11 1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind $448,869,956
12 2004 Shrek 2 $436,471,034
13 1984 Ghostbusters $428,201,787
14 2002 Spider-Man $419,715,418
15 1996 Independence Day $417,692,444
16 1990 Home Alone $408,780,731
17 1984 Beverly Hills Cop $406,841,863
18 1989 Batman $379,616,347
19 2003 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $377,027,324
20 2004 Spider-Man 2 $373,524,485

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domingo, 25 mayo 2014

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