La señal CNN en Español logró una distribución récord en América Latina, dado que alcanzó los veinte millones de suscriptores.
Desde su lanzamiento en 1997, CNN en Español se consolidó como la cadena líder en noticias para la región, multiplicando su base de suscriptores de los cuatro millones originales a los veinte millones que tiene hoy. A ellos se suman otros 4,4 millones de suscriptores en los Estados Unidos.
“Alcanzar este hito nos llena de orgullo, al tiempo que profundiza nuestro compromiso de seguir perfeccionando la cobertura y presentación de las noticias de mayor relevancia e interés para toda América Latina, con la calidad e independencia que siempre nos han caracterizado”, señaló sobre tan relevante marca Christopher Crommett, vicepresidente senior a cargo de CNN en Español.
El ejemplo más reciente del compromiso de CNN en Español con América Latina se dio a principios de este mes con su cobertura de la crisis fronteriza y diplomática que involucró a Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela y Nicaragua. La cadena sirvió como el referente principal para la información, minuto a minuto, sobre todos los aspectos de esta compleja situación multinacional, incluidas varias primicias y entrevistas exclusivas.
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CNN en Español alcanza los veinte millones de suscriptores en América Latina…
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‘Black in America:Enclosure I am sending to them to the present a few journalistic articles about my responsibility about the racial discrimination in colombia so that they are commented in his program on the situation of the blacks in america.
Racial discrimination acts in Colombia It Is sad and shameful that in the country continue presented racism episodes, thinks the journalist chocoano Alejo Restrepo Mosquera. For Alejo Restrepo Mosquera Fecha: 05/15/2005-1202
Immediately after repetitive racial discrimination events in Colombia, happened African Colombians in some discotheques of Cartagena has opened the discussion to several citizens if really this abominable phenomenon got uncovered or it is simply the aftermath from what it has always gone on. It is sad and shameful that in a country, which proclaims to the cuatros winds before the international community to be a defender of the human rights, present this type of facts to themselves repudiables. Our great letter in his section of fundamental beginning (articles 3 ° and 7) expresses clearly the protection on the part of the State of the ethnic and cultural diversity of the nationals and the equal opportunity for all, without importing his racial condition, sex, religion, language, etc. But these postulates turn into dead letter and they are broken by our Colombian society. And what to say about the burlesque discrimination that it happens in the radio, press and television, when they express themselves of the color people. But nobody says anything, for being these acts regarding this racial minority. To speak about the Colombian State, which ancestralmente has been indolent with the population African of the country. Hence the populations with black establishments are most relegated economically and politically. The problem is more complex than insipid. How not to be able to gain access to a discotheque for the simple fact of being of black race? This obeys to the reflex of a problems quite deep-rooted ancestralmente in our Colombian society. Sociologically they have never recognized the rights after the ethnic minorities placed the length and breadth of our native territory. Good what is to remember that in Colombia historically legal norms have existed that prohíben this type of exclusive and discriminatory racial practices. Between these we can mention the commerce prohibition and entire abolition of the slavery treats about blacks 1812, bellies freedom 1821, for the president José Hilario López 1851 and the Colombian Political Constitution. The Colombian State has been an accomplice of the injustice with the black ethnic group, which has not had any political participation. The political and electoral reforms have always been faced to sectorial and particular interests, which do not allow them this ethnic group to occupy spaces where the big decisions of the country are taken. Will it be that this rejection only happens why one is a black or because these do not possess economic means? In spite of it, from the times of the independence until our days, this ethnic group has done a big contribution to the development of this country. Before the previous panorama, it is necessary that African progeny takes theirs conscience and puerblood identity and.
EQUITY IS NEEDED MORE WITH THE COLOMBIAN BLACKS For: Alejo Restrepo. Mosquera A raíz de the last actions of racial discrimination in Colombia, happened with some citizens African – Colombians in several discotheques of Cartagena and Bogota, has opened the discussion to himself, if really this abominable phenomenon of the racism got uncovered or it will be that there is the aftermath of the racial isolation a soterradamente that has always been practised and that few persons have the value to denounce them: As the youngsters Johana Acosta and Lena Tatiana Acosta, last year and the most recent to the ex-national queen of the beauty Vanesa Alexandra Mendoza Bust, to who was not allowed the revenue to the “Gothic” discotheque of the capital of the republic. . It is sad for a country, which it proclaims before the international community, to be a defender of the human rights, but that has been always questioned on the part of the international organisms by the violation of the same ones as regards his ethnic minorities, and that responding to the demands of the moment Colombia, at present needs of the support of the African American Democratic work surface in the Congress of the United States for the approval of the TLC, and that thanks to the internationalization of this problem, on the part of some leaders in the United States, this work surface has determined his support in exchange for the fact that the Colombian government lavishes a worthy dealing in equality to his connacionales of black ethnic group. Precisely of these requirements, there come the current appointments in the Department of the Culture and a vice-department in the social protection. lately the luxurious public discotheques, they have turned into the propitious stage for the practice of such discriminatory actions. The problem is of major complexity; it is not so simple as not to be able to gain access to an elitist discotheque, for the simple fact of being of black ethnic group; all this obeys the reflex of a quite deep-rooted structural problems and appellant in Colombia, in which sociologically the rights have never been recognized after the ethnic minorities placed the length and breadth of our native territory in order to give them equitable participation in the high charges of the State, and these appointments obey more requirements of foreign parliamentarians than the proper will of our leaders. And that to say of the Colombian State, that he has been an accomplice of the injustice with the black ethnic group, that from the humblest charges of the State up to the high courts, these have no political participation, since the political and electoral reforms, they have always been faced to sectorial and particular interests of class, which do not allow them to these to occupy spaces where the big decisions of the country are taken, is already in stages of popular election or of appointments, this inequality has been structurally historical and ideological, shown in entirely exclusion. To be.
For: Alejo Restrepo Mosquera
Hablar on the discriminatory dealing against the ethnic minorities in Colombia is not new at all. For many decades in Colombia there has existed the mellow habit of excluding the persons for the itching of not belonging to the familiar and economic elites that they have handled to this country. Therefore there is greetings to the flag this type of celebrations as the day the African ones. While the Colombia one does not give him the preponderance and importance that deserve the black elements, nothing happens, it is inadmissible that after more than 150 years of the abolition of the slavery, they still continue the same social statuses and exclusion towards this ethnic group; it is necessary to say that this type of anniversary does not obey a politics of the State to recognize after this ethnic group his contribution to the Colombianidad, if not product of the pressures of the country of the north for the approval of the agreement of free trade. It is sad and shameful for a country that presumes before international community to be a defender of the human rights, there keeps on appearing this type of typical aberrant facts of discrimination towards a population with proper characteristics, alienated always by the governments of shift of the means of production and of the power, hence it is not usual to see elements African in the ministerial offices, industrial and commercial enterprises of the State, supervisions, embassies, consulates etc. That is to say in general terms we have always been invisibilizados on the part of the State and the society Colombiana. This implies that the peoples with establishments of population Afro in Colombia, are the poorest. But all this is understandable, because we have the exclusive and discriminatory State, which canalizes the big investments and works of regional impact that generate development in other regions of the country. This type of behaviors joined the murder of trade union, journalists, the bad income distribution, have been the big hobbles that the current government has, for the support on the part of the democratic senators belonging to Black Cacus to the free-trade agreement (TLC). Where it is demonstrated that in Colombia, the propitious conditions are not given yet so that you present yourself differently from the traditional domineering classes, gain access to the development and high charges of the State. Everything previous obeys partly the false existing democracy in Colombia, his citizens of black ethnic group have never already had political participation, because the political reforms have always been faced to sectorial and particular class interests, be already in stages of popular election or of appointments, this inequality has been structurally historical and ideological, shown in an exclusive and racist society.
To: [email protected]
Asociación Gallega Contra el Acoso Moral en el Trabajo(AGACAMT)
“CNN: maltrato y muerte de trabajadores”
El periodista salvadoreño Mario Vela fallece 12 días después de ser
despedido por CNN AGACAMT denuncia la actitud malintencionada de CNN hacia
empleados enfermos José Ramón Cotti, periodista puertorriqueño despedido por
CNN, permanece ingresado en el hospital tras meses de dolor
Atlanta (23 Marzo 2009).- El periodista Salvadoreño Mario Vela falleció 12
días después de que CNN le despidiese. La empresa echó al trabajador
conocedora de su estado de extrema gravedad. Vela llevaba varios meses
desahuciado por sus doctores agonizando en un hospital en Washington. Mario
Vela sufrió la presión impuesta por CNN en sus últimos días al recibir un
documento en el que se cuestionaban sus derechos de denuncia ante las
autoridades que debía firmar como condición para recibir su indemnización.
Eva Ventín presidenta de AGACAMT,en nombre de la Asociación Gallega Contra el Acoso Moral en el Trabajo, denuncia “la actitud hipócrita y de chantaje de CNN ante la
muerte de Mario Vela. Tras haberle puesto en la calle y someterlo a una
terrible presión innecesaria, el Vicepresidente de CNN en Español,
Cristopher Crommett, se atrevió a acudir al entierro de Vela e incluso llegó
a cantar en el funeral del popular periodista. Familiares y amigos de Mario
Vela se vieron obligados a organizar el concierto benéfico para recaudar
fondos para continuar con su tratamiento médico. Es difícil de creer que una
empresa multibillonaria como CNN, que a pesar de la crisis acaba de anunciar
importantes beneficios económicos, llegue a maltratar así a sus
profesionales y familias”.
Mario Vela falleció a los 34 años, fue elegido por la alcaldía de Washington
DC como periodista del año en el 2007, destacó por su apoyo a la comunidad
hispana y hacia los más desfavorecidos por lo que recibió numerosos
reconocimientos por parte de la comunidad latina en EEUU. Con más de 10 años
de experiencia en medios Mario Vela fue director de noticias de Mega
Communications y de Radio Capital 730 en DC. Vela trabajó para el Canal 30
de Univisión y para Radio Mundo en Maryland.
Desde AGACAMT se señala que “la situación de acoso laboral de CNN tiene antecedentes
serios denunciados en los medios ya en el 2003 cuando la prensa local de
Atlanta relacionó a CNN con el suicidio del periodista Abel Dimant (ver
editorial original del periódico Mundo Hispánico adjunta como archivo). Que
sepamos, con este ya son dos los muertos que sufrieron el maltrato y acoso
laboral de CNN en Español. A Jim Walton, presidente de CNN, se le han
comunicado numerosas irregularidades desde hace casi un año sin obtener
respuesta alguna”.
AGACAMT apunta que “este no es el único caso de un periodista despedido por
CNN en el momento en el que permanece ingresado de extrema gravedad en un
hospital o inhabilitado. La situación es muy seria ya que en el momento en
el que una empresa despide a un trabajador en USA este pierde el seguro de
vida y el seguro de salud. Con los impresionantes costes de la sanidad en
este país resulta imposible pagar los gastos médicos”.
José Ramón Cotti permanece ingresado desde hace varios meses en un hospital
en Atlanta en situación de extrema gravedad. El periodista puertorriqueño
también fué despedido por CNN en el momento en el que se encontraba
hospitalizado pendiente de una delicada operación de corazón. Se mudó de New
York a Atlanta con su esposa, hospitalizada al mismo tiempo que este, para
trabajar en CNN hace 9 años. Este prestigioso periodista, galardonado en New
York con un premio CIMA, un premio anual de la Asociación de Emisoras de
Radio y dos premios ACE, está sufriendo el maltrato de la empresa y es otra
de las numerosas víctimas de la dramática crisis que sacude a CNN.
siempre crei q cnn era el mejor noticiero …. pero viendo este comentario, ahora tengo mis dudas… no se puede positear la integridad de las personas, ningun organismo, compania, empresa o persona tiene derecho de aprovecharse de su posisicon o condicion, para hacer dano a los que estan en desventaja, mas aun cuando estas personas en desventaja han dado su vida laboral para el engrandecimiento profesional y economico de las mltinacionales como lo es cnn.
Es una pena lamentable saber del deceso de estos Periodistas, en especial de José amón. Por otro lado, sabe alguien que paso con el resto del Eleneco que trabajaban en CNN en Español Radio? Flavia Colombo por ejemplo,